culture shocks living in the balkans (serbia, croatia, macedonia)

10 Culture Shocks Living in the Balkans!

Here are 10 things I was surprised by most when moving to Serbia. And because I work remotely, I have spent a lot of time PRACTICALLY living in Croatia, Macedonia and Albania for weeks at a time. And my experiences in those countries, as well as the rest of the countries in the Balkans that […]

moving to croatia, moving to serbia, moving to bosnia and herzegovina

Moving and Importing Belongings to the Balkans from the US

This is a guest post by a contributing writer. Importing your belongings into another country takes time and attention to detail as well as patience and organization. When you’re planning a relocation to the Balkans, thorough preparation is the best way to ensure that the move goes smoothly. Of course, you’ll want to hire a reputable […]

how to find an apartment in croatia, how to find an apartment in bosnia herzegovina

How to Find an Apartment (or House!) in Croatia Guide

A lot of people email me asking me how to find an apartment in Croatia to rent, and often want to know what I did to find my apartment here in the Balkans (I live in Serbia actually, but the process is the same having searched in both countries, who also share the same language […]

how to find an apartment in serbia, how to find an apartment in the balkans

How to Find an Apartment (or House!) in Serbia Guide

A lot of people email me asking me how to find an apartment in Serbia to rent, and often want to know what I did to find my place here. So I thought I would share as much information as possible to help anyone who is currently looking for an apartment in this beautiful country. […]

how find job balkans, how find work in balkans

13 Tips for How to Find a Job in the Balkans

One of the most common questions I get is how to find a job in the Balkans. So many people who fall in love with this part of the world want to come back here and spend an extensive amount of time in one or more of the countries.  But most quickly realize that finding […]

the cost of living in Albania retired or expat or digital nomad

The cost of living in Albania: How to survive as an Albanian expat

You’re interested in living as an expat in Albania, eh? Or for all you digital nomads out there, you might be interested in being a mini retired person in Albania for a period of time maybe? Well whichever you are, you’re awesome for that. Albania is such an emerging destination as well as a relatively cheap […]

the cost to live in romania retired or expat or digital nomad

The cost of living in Romania: How to survive as a Romanian expat

You’re interested in living as an expat in Romania, eh? Or for all you digital nomads out there, you might be interested in being a mini retired person in Romania for a period of time maybe? Well whichever you are, you’re awesome for that. Romania has that mysterious yet enchanting Eastern European history, but with a […]

the cost to live in bulgaria retired or expat or digital nomad

The cost of living in Bulgaria: How to survive as a Bulgarian expat

You’re interested in living as an expat in Bulgaria, eh? Or for all you digital nomads out there, you might be interested in being a mini retired person in Bulgaria for a period of time maybe? Well whichever you are, you’re awesome for that. Bulgaria has so much less traveled land than the western Balkans, but […]

the cost of living in the Balkans retired or expat or digital nomad

The cost of living in the Balkans: How to survive as a Balkans expat

You’re interested in living as an expat in the Balkans, eh? Or for all you digital nomads out there, you might be interested in being a mini retired person in the Balkans for a period of time maybe? Well whichever you are, I don’t blame you! The Balkans has the sea, the mountains, great night life, […]
